At Theater NOW, we see the world as a place shared by generations of stories, sewn into a patchwork of love, pain and laughter. We value, above all things, the opportunity for one generation to learn from another, binding us and connecting us. Something special happens when families sit together in a dark theatre, hearing a story they’ve never heard before; laughing, crying and deepening their humanity, just a little, together.
Theater NOW has been instrumental in developing a new approach to serving our MN senior community through improvisation, storytelling and simple acting techniques. We have joined with the Wilder Foundation for the past 5 years, beginning with our first Living Out Loud program with the MN Alzheimer's Association and the Wilder Foundation. Since the first program was such a resounding success, we have been fortunate to be able to serve our senior community and hope to continue to do so. We always appreciate donations from individuals and organizations so we can continue to fund and work with these wonderful folks.
Mission:The mission of Theater NOW is to produce plays that bring multi-generational audiences through time, story and theme to witness life as it was, is and ever shall be. Theater NOW is a collaboration of artists committed to exploring dynamic work that follows families throughout generations, celebrating the universal themes found in our everyday life.
History: Theater NOW is an outreach effort of Minnesota Productions Inc. (MPI), and Theater NOW, based in Minneapolis, MN, under the artistic leadership of Robert Marcus. After many successful independent productions and performances and an award winning Film, Robert discovered that his audience was clearly resonating with generational stories and the interplay between the different generations. Something was reminding them, connecting them to past family stories, and to the future stories yet to be told. That experience became the foundation for Theater NOW